
Yarn Knight Logo


Yarn Knight was a project that started as an entry for a Game Jam, where I wanted to experiment with programming concepts I hadn’t had a chance to delve deeper into previously, such as lambda functions and switch expressions. I also wanted to try to make a smaller concept than previously that would be easy to “finish” as well as easily expandable in case I so wished. I also looked further into Unity’s shader graph, and made both the vignette “in and out” effect when you win a level, as well as a palette swap shader, the effects of which you can witness as you go between worlds. Having an interest in Binding of Isaac, a twin stick shooter was something I was interested in tackling eventually, so this is my own example of this genre.

Sample Gallery

Sprite 1

Sprite 1

A sheep character

Sprite 2

Sprite 2

An NPC character from Yarn Knight modeled after an Armenian mouflon

Sprite 3

Sprite 3

A ghost enemy.

Sprite 4

Sprite 4

A magical item sprite that adds charm to any RPG.